1. Financing
What type of loan am I looking for?
Do I need a down payment?
How much will my payment be? Is that including property tax & insurance?
How much are “closing costs?”
Who do I talk to?
2. Finding a Realtor
This is your choice. Make sure you feel comfortable & confident in your Realtor.
Know who is representing YOUR best interest (listing agent = name on the sign = represent the seller).
3. House Hunting & Offer
Pre-approval letter.
Earnest money.
Purchase & Sale agreement:
The protections in place = Contingencies.
4. Inspection Contingency
Home (buyer)
Septic inspection (seller)
Water (buyer)
Title search
Homeowners Insurance
5. Final Loan Approval
Loan documents get sent to escrow
Final documents get worked up
Is there a POA? Are you going to be out of town?
6. Closing
Sign documents
Bring your driver’s license
Bringing money to the table? (Must be a certified check.)
Recording of the final documents with the County.
Keys…Welcome Home!
Getting your earnest money back?
You can pick it up the day after closing at the title company.